Wellness Simplified

Wellness Simplified

Have you ever been confused by all of the mixed messages regarding healthy living. Me too, but with diligent research I’ve been able to deconstruct and simplify the basic components and I will share them with you today. When it comes down to it, health is determined by your lifestyle and choices. Read More

Take a deep breath of Heaven on Earth !

There are some things in life that truly have the ability to entice the senses into otherworldly dimensions. Deliciously home grown fresh  heavenly herbs could  fall into that category.  Growing your own organic herbs is relatively easy, in addition, you will save a boat load of money as well. I don’t know if this has happened to you, but I can’t count the times I have bought fresh herbs from the market, and not been able to use them all in that moment.  Then when I go to use them again they have basically turned into dark green watery mush, right? When we have our own herb garden, we pick only what we need in that moment, and although we can freeze herbs to keep them fresh, nothing, hands down beats the aroma and taste of a freshly picked herb.

FullSizeRender-10Fresh Basil Read More